
together we trod

Emily Dickinson wrote, "My friends are my estate." Pavement, grass, and the path of Pirate's Cover underfoot, we've trodden every inch of Yale Avenue - together. We've taken turns about the R's English-style garden, stepping stones leading the way. We have climbed into what used to be a tree house big enough for three in my parent's backyard and spent time on the hill between Steven's and Robinson's, all of these estates, grounds and paths we know by heart.

As the song of summer commences, we will all embark upon paths anew: to Wales, to Italy, to Paris. To new jobs and new endeavors, whether a passport is required or not. Paths of freedom. Paths of self-discovery. Paths on the stepping stones to True Love. Let us carry with us this feeling of together; this feeling of estate. Always with Home in mind: dirt from Pirate's Cove, grass from Stevens' front lawn, and lavender from the Rhondeau's white picket fenced garden; pieces of Home forever in our pockets. Together, but apart, we will continue. Firm and constant.

"Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant."

K, I couldn't resist. With Europe only so many months away...it seemed all too perfect. Pack that super glue!


Annie said...

mermaid contortionist...but a beautiful post

M said...

Trodden?! What was I thinking?!